Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Challenge Group Details!!


Knock knock!! It's me, Jennifer!!! lol! 

I just created this page to write out all the details because sooooooo many people were asking and I was typing all this info like several times a day in messenger or Insta!! hehe!!! It's just all the details, right here, because I don't want to forget to tell anyone anything!!! 

Ok here's a little video explanation for those who like to listen to things. hehe! This was totally sporadic so don't mind my messy hair and busy toddler!

Ok so the details... A challenge group is a SECRET Facebook group (ladies only) for those who are serious about finding a plan that is actually doable in real life, and will actually produce results from their efforts. We have ladies from all different health statuses and with all different goals. Some want to lose weight, some want to tone up, some want to learn about meal prep... 

MATERIALS: We all do the 21 day fix, so you'll have to order some materials to make sure you have everything you need to be able to do it with us. You can just order a challenge pack and it will have everything you need. Let me know if you'd like to do that and I can tell you how to do so. 

Challenge Pack INCLUDES: a month of shakes, a YEAR of the on demand workouts, a shaker cup, the color containers for portions, meal plans (MAJOR game changer), program guide, access to the challenge group, and just lots more goodies. 

Your job... Your job is to commit to going ALL IN for the 21 days. You will have to send in your stats (weight, measurements, and pics) every week, check in, and be involved in the Facebook group, stay committed, and finish strong to the very end of the challenge. This means staying 100% on track during the challenge. You do not deviate from the program. The program is absolutely doable. It's not starvation, or eating like a rabbit. It's not a magical fix. It's portions that are suitable for you, and you get to have all the food groups. So YOU CAN DO IT! 

So here's what the plan actually looks like... We learn how to meal prep and we do that once a week, which really sets us up for success. We commit to doing a 30 minute workout every single day. Thirty minutes. That's it, and you're done. And we commit to doing 15+ minutes of personal development every day. Because if you want to see change that lasts, you have to work on the inside, and change your perspective.

ANYONE can do this program. It is designed to be doable for anyone. Working mamas, stay-at-home-mamas, NOT-mamas, college students, people who travel a lot, grandparents, whoever!!!

The workouts are part of a huge on demand library that become available to you for a year once you get your challenge pack. In the challenge group, most of us are doing the 21 day fix program. 

I was already used to working out (A LOT) before I started, and I thought 30 minutes wouldn't produce results for me. BUT, I was completely wrong. The workouts are amazing, super quick, and produce great results!! I was shocked to see muscles in my arms legs and tummy that I didn't know existed. lol.

As a side note, results are based 80% on nutrition and 20% on the workouts. If you are just totally not up for home workouts, you can do other workouts like running, group fitness (I love to do group fitness at the Y with my hubby!!), or even walking! It's about what works best for YOU!

We take one full week just before the challenge begins to learn how to meal prep. You learn literally EVERYTHING you need to know. I had NEVER meal prepped before doing a challenge and now I do it every single week whether I'm in the middle of doing a challenge or not. So if you've been wanting to learn how to meal prep or what kinds of meals you can make, a challenge group is a great way to learn. This is what the color containers look like, aren't the cool?! haha!

We drink this superfoods shake every single day. I'm drinking one as I type all of this actually. Hehe! Actually my one-year-old is sitting here begging me to give him another drink of mine. hah! It comes in many different flavors, and also comes in Vegan, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, etc... So if you have any sensitivities to these things, you're in luck! 

Here are the flavors you can choose from:
Chocolate Vegan
Vanilla Vegan
Tropical Strawberry Vegan
Cafe Latte Vegan

They come in a bag (30 servings) or individual packs (24 servings). 

When someone invited me to do my first-ever challenge group, I was EXTREMELY skeptical and hesitant. I have already had a HUGE weight loss journey so for the past few years my body has been EXTREMELY stubborn about losing weight or changing at all, really. I'd be super diligent lost MAYBE a couple pounds but as SOON as I deviated slightly I'd gain it back instantly. I was getting desperate and my weight was creeping up up  up and I was getting overwhelmed with being a busy mama and having to figure out what to eat all the time. I travel a LOT and was really worried that I would not be able to stay on track because every time I was away from home, it would completely derail me.

So I contemplated for a couple of days and then just decided to go for it. Once I did, I was ALL IN. I read everything I possibly could, watched videos, and just really dug deep. By following the plan that we were all doing, I started seeing results. My scale started creeping down and actually my clothes were fitting looser and I even started buying smaller sizes. This was a shock to me because again, my body is very stubborn.

Once my friends and family started noticing these changes, lots and lots of people started asking me what I was doing. I know that the reason they ask is because they are just like I was. Desperate to see some change but lost as to where to start or what to do.

So that's why I try to be very open about sharing about all of this, and that is why I decided to make this little blog post about it. Because I've literally been messaging people constantly, try answer questions and get them signed up for the next challenge. hehe! And I don't mind at all!! In fact I love talking to all these people! <3

Listen, I remember what it was like to be 336 pounds. It was miserable. I know what it's like to be desperate, and completely hopeless. I know what it's like to cry yourself to sleep because you're so at a LOSS and have absolutely no idea what to do to get out of that horrible hole. I also know what it's like to only have 20-30 pounds to lose but you body is just NOT HAVING IT. I've been in so many places in the spectrum of the health and weight loss struggle. This is why I am sharing this journey with anyone who wants to know.


If you have ANY questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me HERE, Facebook message me HERE, or Instagram DM me HERE. I am more than happy to help in any way I can!

If you're ready to jump right in and get on track with your health and fitness, fill out the form below and we'll get you signed up!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!! <3

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